Not ready to buy or sell?

Free Resources

Grab our free resources to help when you are.

Homebuyers’ Roadmap

homebuyers' roadmap

Navigate your way home with confidence! Explore the Homebuyer's Roadmap – your guide to finding the perfect nest.

Home Sellers Roadmap - Our Sold Strategy

Navigate your way through selling your home with confidence!

12-Month Homeowners Checklist

12-month checklist of things to do around your home to keep your home in its best shape all year long.

Let’s Connect


Whether you are a homebuyer or seller, let’s connect, I can help you to navigate successfully through this robust ever-changing market.

Client Testimonial

"Bought multiple homes with Ryan and his team. Ryan has a great understanding of the market and his accounting background really helped me and my family make the right financial decisions. He always gave us an honest opinion about the showings he took us to and never pressured us into buying. Very professional and it was a pleasure working with him!”